Developer License – Social Mobi Deals

Developer License - Social Mobi Deals

Developer License - Social Mobi Deals

Developer License – Social Mobi Deals

Sale Page:

Still struggling to make sales and get leads on Facebook?

Stupidly Simple Software Creates Sales Boosting,

Lead Sucking Coupon and Deal Campaigns For

Facebook AND Mobile… in under 5 minutes!

Shut the FB traffic leak for mobile devices with our Ground-breaking technology

Dear Social Media Marketer,

Did you know that over 50% of all Facebook activity is on a mobile device?

Did you know that Facebook Page Tabs do not work on a mobile device?

Yup. It is true.

Fb flushes half your page tab traffic down the toilet. Even worse, you could be paying for ads and losing that traffic without even knowing it. It’s a big problem, and one we have set out to solve.

More on that in a minute.

Everyone loves a deal, right?

If you see something on a sale rack with a big 25% off in a store, it is going to grab your attention.

Online offers are no different. Discounts and coupons work, it’s simple and irrefutable.

Now, imagine if you can combine the power of Facebook with the massive boost in sales given by properly structured deals and coupons. That will give you quite a powerhouse for getting more sales for you and your clients.

But it leads us back to our initial problem – mobile.

With 1 in 2 people using FB on mobile, that means if you want to create a Facebook Page with your deal (and there are many reasons to do this which we outline below), you are going to lose out on 50%+ of your potential audience. Nobody wants that.

It is as close to you can get to flushing money down the drain.

To try to get around you can shoehorn bits of software together and attempt to cobble together a solution. It might work. After a lot of hours and dollars in developer fees yeah… you might find a solution.

Or you might not.

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